
Tasting Grace in Scripture and Literature

For several years now I have developed a daily habit of reading and prayer.  It involves me getting up before my kids do, brewing a single cup of coffee, and grabbing a couple of books off my shelf.  My shelf is very special to me.  I have come to the realization over the last few years that if reading is a value, I should invest in it.  So I have purchased more than one high quality reader's Bible and I have purchased some premium quality versions of some of my favorite novels.  I am also working on acquiring some premium versions of some theological classics, but these are hard to come by (I've written numerous emails trying to get publishers to make them!). I know I am a dinosaur for wanting real books.  I just turned forty, so I have come to terms with that. I still love the experience of holding a book in my hands and reading off of paper.  I have a virtual bookshelf as well and I use my laptop for a lot of my study, but for my daily reading experience I want a real